Friday, June 1, 2012

What Do Those Nutrients Do? Phosphorus

Phosphorus seems to have a bad reputation. “Watch out for too much phosphorus! Make sure there isn't too much phosphorus in your dog's diet!”

That is true; you don't want too much phosphorus in your dog's diet.

Conversely, though, you don't want too much of anythingin your dog's diet. Too much of any good thing just isn't good. What you do want is the right amounts of nutrients, in the right proportion.

So why is it, for example, that you're not very likely to be told to watch out for too much calciumin your dog's diet? 

What is it that makes phosphorus the bad guy? The reason for that is actually quite simple. Phosphorus is abundant in many foods, while calcium, if we stick with that example, not so much. There is plenty of phosphorus in meats, organ meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, whole grains … you name it.

For example, 100 grams of cooked ground beef contains 250 mg of phosphorus and only 16 mg of calcium. 100 grams of cooked chicken breast has 228 mg of phosphorus and 15 mg of calcium. Cooked chicken liver contains 405 mg of phosphorus and only 11 mg of calcium!

Do you see the problem here?

The calcium to phosphorus ratioin an adult dog diet should be about two parts of calcium for every part of phosphorus! And not only that there is a high content of phosphorus in animal proteins, high phosphorus levels interfere with calcium uptake.

So does that make phosphorus a bad guy?

Phosphorus is a vital macro mineral; your dog has to have it to survive. But its abundance in foods and easy absorption through the digestive tract make it a challenge to keep it under control. That, however, doesn't make its function any less important.

About 86% of the body's phosphorus is contained in the bones and teeth. A deficiency in either calcium of phosphorus can lead to bone deformities or weakness. But just as with calcium, bones are not the only place where phosphorus is found.

Phosphorus is also present in the bloodstream, cells and tissues throughout the body. The kidneys are in charge of maintaining proper phosphorus levels.

What does phosphorus do, besides keeping bones strong?

Phosphorus is needed for cell membranes. Cell membranes are vital for cell integrity; without a membrane holding it together, there would be no cell. What should stay out is kept out, what should stay in is kept in, and what should make it through it allowed to get through.

Phosphorus is also a component of DNA. The backboneof the DNA is constructed from a repeated pattern of sugar and phosphate groups.

Phosphorus is involved in energy storage and transfer. The energy your dogs derives from food, for example, is stored in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP contains a large amount of chemical energy, which is used for metabolic processes, cell division, muscle contraction, and more.

Phosphorus supports nerve function.

Phosphorus is a co-enzyme for several vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, thiamin and pyridoxine)

Ironically enough, phosphorus is needed for calcium metabolism.

Phosphorus is not a bad guy.

It is a very important nutrient. The problem is, that it is very easy for an animal protein based diet to contain too much of it, particularly in proportion to calcium.

That doesn't make phosphorus any less important for your dog's body.

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