Thursday, May 31, 2012

Veterinary Highlights: Probiotics And Acute Stress Colitis Study

Sym-bi-o-sis: a close association, usually a mutually beneficial relationship, between two different organisms

Mircobes: we work so hard to eliminate them. But while some of them really are out there to get us, the vast majority are actually necessary for life! Did you know, for example, that a human body is only about 10% actual human cells? We are only 10% ourselves, the rest are bacteria. We really just are walking petri dishes! Talking about some serious symbiosis ...

The majority of these microbes are found within the digestive tract.

Given all that, perhaps it would make sense that these microbes got some respect, whether in our own bodies or the bodies of our dogs.

Some seem to believe that probiotics are the answer to about anything; some feel that all that hype is bogus. I think there might be more to them than meets the eye.

Image PrecisionNutrition
How about using probiotics for treatment of acute stress colitis?

Researchers at North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine recently conducted a study to compare the use of probiotics vs. metronidazole to treat acute diarrhea caused by stress colitis in shelter dogs.


The researchers concluded the probiotics are an equally effective treatment to the traditional antibiotic regime for the treatment of acute diarrhea in shelter dogs, and that antibiotic-treated dogs with limited improvement appeared to benefit significantly from subsequent probiotic treatment.

I love metronidazole, because it has always worked when Jasmine's GI tract needed some extra help. On the other hand, I always feel conflicted about giving another round of antibiotics. So to me such a study is very interesting.

Some experts believe that the benefits of balanced gut flora go far beyond the GI tract. 

It would make sense to me. The GI tract is an important part of the immune system. The gut flora is involved in production of vitamins and other important processes. Hopefully more studies on the benefits of probiotics are under way.

Source article: Why Give Antibiotics When This Natural Supplement Works Just as Well?

Related articles:
Unsung Heroes: Probiotics

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Great Leaders GROW by Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller - Book review

Great Leaders GROW

Becoming a Leader for Life

By: Ken Blanchard, Mark Miller

Published: February 6, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 144 pages
ISBN-10: 1609943031
ISBN-13: 978-1609943035
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"There's certainly more to leadership than growth, but growth is at the heart of what creates and sustains great leaders. Growth is the leader's fountain of youth", write chief spiritual officer of the Ken Blanchard Companies, Ken Blanchard; and vice president, training and development, for Chick-fil-A, Mark Miller, in their inspirational and wisdom filled book Great Leaders GROW: Becoming a Leader for Life. The authors describe the critical importance of continued personal growth for leaders, and why a failure to keep growing as a leader will cause a reduction in influence, and even a loss of leadership roles completely.

Ken Blanchard (photo left) and Mark Miller understand that great leaders don't sit back and rest on their achievements. Great leaders recognize that their is more to leadership than the authority proffered by the individual's ranking on the organizational chart. Instead, leadership is an organic, growing journey that continues throughout the leader's entire career.

As a leader advances ever higher, there must be more personal growth and development with every step. A person who is unable or unwilling to grow is unlikely to be an effective or influential leader. The authors present their leadership philosophy and skills in the form of a narrative, where Debbie Brewster serves as a leadership mentor to Blake, who is at the beginning stages of his career. Throughout the business parable, the concepts of leadership are expressed and illustrated through the medium of story.

Mark Miller (photo left) and Ken Blanchard recognize that leaders face constant challenges that test the leader's preparedness. For the authors, being a leader and a person of character are inextricably linked together. A leader must be ready to meet challenges in a visionary and effective manner. To fall back on the solutions of yesterday is evidence that the leader has failed to grow, or to understand the importance of personal growth. Simply put, a person's ability to lead is based entirely on their ability to grow.

The authors provide a lifetime plan for development as both a human being and as a leader. To that end, they share their GROW concept, which consists of the following principles:

* Gain knowledge in yourself, others, your industry, and leadership
* Reach out to others both formally and informally
* Open your world both at work and also outside of work
* Walk toward wisdom through self-evaluation, feedback, counsel, and time

For me, the power of the book is how Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller present their concepts of leadership effectively through the medium of a business fable. The authors present their GROW principles in a readily understood format utilizing the narrative format. The main characters in the story, Debbie and Blake, consider and delve into each of the various aspects of leadership and personal growth.

The authors make clear, through the voices of the characters, that leadership and the individual's desire to start on a lifetime path of growth, are very interconnected and are really inseparable. The parable guides the reader through the process of growing as a leader, and for meeting the challenges that test a leader's ability to grow.

I highly recommend the engaging and personally fulfilling book Great Leaders GROW: Becoming a Leader for Life by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, to any leaders who are serious about growing and improving not only their leadership skills, but also themselves as people. This entertaining book will transform your perspective on leadership to one of growth and of lifetime learning to achieve peak performance, greater influence, and superior results.

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Using Ivermectin For Demodectic Mange?

 by Simon Tong

Ivermectin is one of the few medicines that vets often prescribe for dogs with demodectic mange. The drug is easy to administer, and results are usually seen within a short period of time. It's been proven many times over that Ivermectin is successful in treating the skin problem, but that doesn't mean it can be considered as the de-facto solution for it.

Image: 2ndchance
The problem with Ivermectin is that it isn't the wonder drug that it appears to be. 

Yes, it does seem to get rid of the mange, but its only a temporary solution at best. And that's not to mention the various negative side-effects that can result from its use, some of which can even prove fatal.

How do you know if Ivermectin is the right type of treatment for your dog? 

Here are a few questions you should ask to help you decide.

What is Ivermectin?

Simply put, Ivermectin is an active ingredient in several medicines, specially designed for getting rid of parasites. In the pet world, these are available in several products meant for different animals, like horses and dogs.

For dogs, two of the most popular products are 'Ivomec' or 'Heartgard', both of which are marketed as parasite control drugs. They affect skin parasites and several others, such as heartworms. Ivermectin is also used to prevent heartworm infestations in dogs as well, although that's not its primary purpose.

How is it administered?

Ivermectin is usually produced in liquid or tablet form, which are administered to dogs orally - that is, the dogs are fed the drug. The dosage varies for each dog, determined by their weight. Usually the vet will provide the appropriate dosage, but generally speaking, a dose of 0.3mg/kg once every two weeks is sufficient for the treatment of demodectic mange. The liquid version of Ivermectin is sometimes packaged in filled syringes with set amounts, which makes it easier to gauge the dosage levels.

How does Ivermectin work?

Once it is administered to the affected dog, Ivermectin enters the bloodstream, using it as a means to affect the demodex mites in contact with the dog's skin. From that point onwards, the drug does two things: Firstly, it disables the nervous systems of the mites, effectively paralysing them. Then, it manipulates the dog's white blood cells into attacking the mites and killing them. In this way, the mites will no longer cause further skin damage to the dog's body. As long as the drug remains in the body, the demodectic mange will be kept away indefinitely.

Ivermectin doesn't affect unhatched demodex mites still in their eggs. Therefore, more than one dose of Ivermectin is required to completely eradicate the mites from the body.

Advantages of using Ivermectin for Demodectic Mange

Ivermectin has actually been proven to be capable of destroying the mites efficiently, which is why vets are still recommending it as their first choice in treating demodectic mange.

The drug is also very easy to administer, since they're designed to be ingested orally and not given in the form of injections. This removes any effort required to calm the dog, since an injection can be a stressful experience.

Lastly, Ivermectin is relatively safe when used responsibly. This requires the vet and the owner to fully understand the dog's condition and to adapt the treatment accordingly. If extensive care and caution is exercised, Ivermectin should not cause any trouble in the short-term.

Disadvantages of using Ivermectin for Demodectic Mange

So far, Ivermectin seems like the perfect method of demodectic mange treatment; it's safe, easy to use and most of all, it's effective. In spite of all this, however, there are still a few disadvantages of using Ivermectin that I would like to highlight.

It only solves half the problem

As I've said before, the purpose of Ivermectin is to kill off the mites that are causing demodectic mange to happen. However, that only settles part of the equation. The true key to stopping demodectic mange is to repair and rebuild your dog's immune system, because it's the only thing that can stop the demodex mites from appearing again. Even if all the mites are killed in one go (which is impossible, due to Ivermectin being unable to affect unhatched mites), the weak immune system will always be unable to prevent the mites from causing demodectic mange in future.

Reliance on Ivermectin

This is somewhat related to my first point. Some owners may discover by themselves that the drug is indeed a short-term solution; once the treatment stops for the affected dog, the mange might come back. Because the immune system wasn't strong enough to handle the mites on its own before the Ivermectin was withdrawn, it still remains vulnerable to another attack and may cause a relapse.

At this point, the owner can pursue two options: keep the Ivermectin flowing to shut the mites out permanently using chemical drugs, or start building up the immune system to help the dog to recover on its own. Unfortunately, some owners choose the first option and suddenly find themselves spending a lot more in pet medical bills, just to keep the problem from spreading.

Besides the increased expenses, depending on Ivermectin as a long-term solution can also cause the immune system to 'slack off', letting the drug do all the work. When the Ivermectin doses eventually cease (which it eventually will), the dog will be essentially defenceless against the mites because its immunity is non-existent. The demodectic mange will most definitely reappear with a vengeance then.

Possible adverse reactions to Ivermectin

This drug may be the default treatment recommended by vets to treat demodectic mange, but Ivermectin should never be given to some dogs due to possible adverse reactions.

Border collies and other herding breeds in particular have genetic sensitivity to Ivermectin; and a relatively low dose for another dog may be too much for a collie, and will cause severe side-effects such as lethargy, dehydration and even death.

Most people know about this genetic sensitivity and will keep their dog away from the drug, but it actually isn't as widely known as it should be.

Long term use in high doses may cause liver damage

This is another reason why Ivermectin should not be given for demodex over a long period of time. While relatively harmless when used as a temporary solution, or in low doses, at doses needed to treat demodectic mange the drug may cause damage to the liver in the long run. It's important to remember that Ivermectin is primarily a pesticide for use against parasites, which means that it's essentially a type of poison.


Ivermectin is often used to cure demodectic mange by killing the mites, and it does its job very well. The problem only starts when dog owners and even vets start treating it as a wonder drug due to a lack of understanding, and depend on it exclusively.

The one thing that you should know is that Ivermectin only solves the problem of a mite overpopulation on your dog's body as long as it's being administered; the mites will return as soon as it stops and will start the cycle all over again.

The mange will only clear up if the mites are denied the chance to spread, and the only thing that can do that is the immune system of the dog. 

Unfortunately, the Ivermectin does nothing to help in that regard. The only other way to control the mites would be through continuous use of Ivermectin, but as I noted earlier on in this article, it's definitely not an ideal treatment plan for your dog.

The dosage needed for treatment of demodectic mange is much higher than is used for heartworm prevention. Ivermectin has actually never been approved by FDA for use in such dosages. However, the off-label use of Ivermectin for demodectic mange is quite common.

Please take the above information into consideration before reaching for Ivermectin to treat your dog's demodectic mange.


Simon has a miniature schnauzer and owns a website devoted to gathering information about dog skin problems. Do you need more information about demodectic mange? Just visit to find out more about its causes, the demodex mite, as well as the various methods of treatment available.

Related articles:
Demodectic Mange: The 4 Most Important Questions You Should Ask 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dog Cartoon Of The Week: There, I Said It


Dog Cartoon of the Week is brought to you by Andertoons. Check out the website for more great cartoons.

Cartoonist Mark Anderson lives in the Chicago area with his wife, their children, two cats, a dog and several dust bunnies. You might have seen his cartoons in a number of publications including Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Forbes, Barrons, Woman's World, Harvard Business Review, Saturday Evening Post, American Legion Magazine, Funny Times.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Historic Urban Landscape by Francesco Bandarin & Ron Van Oers - Book review

The Historic Urban Landscape

Managing Heritage in an Urban Century

By: Francesco Bandarin, Ron van Oers

Published: March 27, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 262 pages
ISBN-10: 0470655747
ISBN-13: 978-0470655740
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

"Among the utopias generated by modernity, there is also urban conservation. Strictly speaking, urban conservation is not a utopia, but rather a policy and planning practice that is present in many countries of the world", write architect, urban planner, and Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO, Francesco Bandarin; and urban planner and Programme Specialist for Culture at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Ron Van Oers, in their visionary and conservation oriented urban development book The Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban Century. The authors describe contemporary concepts and initiatives in urban heritage conservation to better understand the conflicts, areas of consensus,a and development of urban policies and practices.

Francesco Bandarin (photo left) and Ron Van Oers recognize the many often conflicting intellectual forces that form the contemporary urban conservation landscape. The authors address the various shifting architectural and urban planning paradigms that have evolved over the past fifty years. Over time, a an institutional and professional assessment approach has formed to support the conservation of the urban heritage. Part of this conservation movement has preserved the historic city as a heritage type.

This systemic approach has created an internationalism in the very core concept of urban conservation. The authors point out that this still emerging and evolving process is providing at least some protection for the historical integrity and character of cities around the world. The authors provide evidence that this process has peaked with the high status accorded to the historic cities.

Ron Van Oers (photo left) and Francesco Bandarin understand that despite these advances and developments in the process, urban conservation faces new and daunting challenges in the coming decades. New pressures, processes, and forces are being brought to bear on the existing conservation efforts, creating a necessity for fresh policy and planning thought and action. One area of difficulty, according to the authors, is the ever increasing specialization of both the theory and operations involved with urban conservation.

The authors challenge urban planners, policy makers, and conservationists to take a more integrated and holistic view of preservation. To that end, the authors propose considering the more encompassing concept of urban conservation to that of historic urban conservation. Faced with the pressures of tourism, real estate developers, and business, conservation efforts are pulled and pushed in different directions, causing an overall weakening of the preservation efforts. As a result, the authors recommend the Historic Urban Landscape approach that considers all of the forces as part of an integrated whole.

For me, the power of the book is how Francesco Bandarin and Ron Van Oers provide a much needed wake up call to the danger faced by historic urban landscapes. Despite serious conservation efforts, cities all over the world are pressured by population growth, tourism, and real estate development forces. The authors address these challenges openly, and offer their integrated and holistic Historic Urban Landscape approach as a viable and innovative alternative to current planning theory and practice.

The authors present the concepts and ideas from the UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, where they are involved in global preservation efforts, and offer insights into the effectiveness of organization's initiatives. The book is profusely illustrated throughout, with color photographs of urban landscapes from cities all over the world. These photographs enrich the concepts offered and discussed in the various chapters of the book.

I highly recommend the comprehensive and landmark book The Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban Century by Francesco Bandarin and Ron Van Oers, to any architects, urban planners, surveyors, engineers, policy makers, business leaders, and urban conservation societies who are seeking a complete overview of the intellectual developments in urban conservation. This book provides a thoughtful and practical approach that will benefit the urban conservation efforts around the world in the twenty-first century.

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The Calm After The Storm

After three weeks of challenges with Jasmine's joints and mobility, things seem to have settled down. She is looking quite good and showed no signs of lameness or pain in last couple days.

The last veterinary exam determined that Jasmine's joints were quite happy now, and improving. Her muscles, though, particularly iliopsoa and hip muscles, were quite angry.

On Saturday was Jasmine's appointment with her chiropractor/physical therapist.

Boy, did she ever find a whole lot of angry muscles! Once the body starts compensating for one thing, a whole hell can break lose, and it did. Jasmine's session lasted almost a whole hour!

That seems to have done the trick, though, Jasmine's body looks much happier.

It again makes me think where would Jasmine be without the chiropractic care. Would those muscles settle down on their own eventually? Probably. How much time and pain meds would that take, though, I don't want to know.

 It would be like digging your way out of jail with a spoon, when you could just get a key instead.

I am so glad that Jasmine has such an amazing team taking care of her.

I would also like to thank Vet-Stem, who were there for us all the way, particularly during that dreadful weekend. Those folks really care about each and every one of their patients.

Things are looking good now, and hopefully will just keep on improving. The chiropractor too was pleased with the joints, and particularly the progress the left elbow has made.

One other thing I figured out on Saturday; Jasmine's main vet and her chiropractor really like each other, and I realized why. The are so much alike, they really care from the bottom of their hearts. We are very thankful that we have found them.

So here is to all the great veterinarians out there, you make the world a better place.

Related articles:
Jasmine's Acute Lameness
Jasmine Doesn't Like "Doing Time"
Our Of Jail Free Pass
When It's Looks Too Good To Be True … The Lameness Returns
The Day Of The Treatment
First Time For Everything: A Healing Crisis(?)  
From Zero To Sixty In Four Days: Stem Cells At Work 


Meet Jasmine
I'm Still Standing! (Happy Birthday, Jasmine)
How Dogs Think (Well, Jasmine Anyway)
How The Oddysey Started: Jasmine's ACL Injury
Jasmine is Vet-Stem's poster child!
Rant About Quality Of Life Versus Quantity, And Differential Diagnoses
Jasmine Is Headed For Her Next Stem Cell Treatment
Jasmine's Stem Cells Are In
Arthritis? What Arthritis? 
Guess Who Is An Ever-Ready Bunny And Really Liking The Bit Of Snow We Got? 
Don't Knock It Until You Tried It: Animal Chiropractic 
Jasmine's Fur Analysis
Back At Chiropractic Care

Further reading:
Jasmine’s Story: Can Chronic Diarrhea and Soft Tissue Injuries be Normal?
Jasmine’s Story: An ACL Injury and a Cancer Scare
Jasmine’s Condition Deteriorates: Another ACL Injury and an Abdominal Abscess
Jasmine Recovers from Surgery and Jana Discovers TCVM
Who’s Minding Your Pet’s Health?
Pet Owner Perspective On Stem Cell Therapy
Difficult to Manage Lameness Treated with Physical Therapy
Our Journey to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What Chinese Want by Tom Doctoroff - Book review

What Chinese Want

Culture, Communism and China's Modern Consumer

By: Tom Doctoroff

Published: May 22, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 023034030X
ISBN-13: 978-0230340305
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

"China's economy and people are evolving rapidly, but the underlying cultural blueprint has remained more or less constant for thousands of years. As the nation races toward superpower status, it will nevertheless remain quintessentially Chinese - ambitious yet cautious to the core", writes Northeast Asia Area Director and Greater China CEO for J. Walter Thompson,Tom Doctoroff, in his insightful and thought provoking book What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism and China's Modern Consumer. The author describes the cultural imperatives and worldview of China's fast rising consumer economy, and provides lessons for companies seeking to sell products and services into the this vast and growing market.

Tom Doctoroff recognizes that China offers an unlimited market for consumer products. At the same time, however, the author also understands that there are some very critical differences between the Chinese consumer and a customer in the Western world. In fact, the author points out that even with the influx of Western influences and culture, the people of China resist those same ideals and continue to embrace their own cultural traditions.

Tom Doctoroff presents conclusive evidence that while modernization in China advances at a breakneck pace, the Chinese people remain distinctively nationalistic and culturally conservative in their worldview. Instead of choosing the path of the individual as the core of the economy, the people of China consider the family to be the economic cornerstone. The morality of the Chinese culture remains different from that of the West, as does the strong historical connection that the people maintain with the past.

Tom Doctoroff (photo left) presents an important inner cultural portrait of the Chinese people in general, and the emerging Chinese consumer market in particular. Before the author provides his recommendations for success in the Chinese market, he clarifies the many misconceptions and myths that have grown up around the Chinese customer. The portrait of the Chinese consumer is very nuanced, and more complex than it appears at first glance. Tom Doctoroff describes how the individual in China desires standing out while still fitting in with the overall Chinese culture.

There is an overarching ambitious optimism that China can stand with the leading nations of the world and that success is possible in Chinese cultural terms. At the same time, the Chinese people seek stability of the family and of the country and how that stability is more important than individual self expression. The author also shares his insights into the unifying force of Confucian conflict where status and social mobility conflict with the desire for conformity. The individual is simply not the central figure in Chinese society, or the basic productive unit. That role, according the author, is in the hands of the family. At the same time, there is no desire for breakthroughs, as they may upset the cherished stability, presenting real challenges for both marketers and managers entering the Chinese market.

For me, the power of the book is how Tom Doctoroff presents a comprehensive analysis of the culture of China and its influence on the behavior of the Chinese consumer. The author presents the various, and often baffling traits of the customer, within the overall context of Chinese society. Tom Doctoroff breaks down the various markets and industries, and offers in depth explanations of why the Chinese consumer acts as they do, and why those actions are so different from customers in the West. The author dispels the most commonly heard myths about China, its politics, and its economy.

Tom Doctoroff provides the advice necessary for any business person seeking access to the Chinese market. The author reveals many nuances and contradictions that must be understood clearly to achieve success in the vast and always intriguing country pf China and its people.

I highly recommend the landmark and essential book What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism and China's Modern Consumer by Tom Doctoroff, to any business leaders, entrepreneurs, public officials, trade organizations, and members of the general public who are seeking a deeper and more profound understanding of the Chinese market and its consumers than is found anywhere else. This book will transform how you think about China and its potential as an important market; full of both amazing surprises and unlimited potential.

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Adoption Monday: Charlie, Labrador Retriever/Boxer Mix, Deerfield, NH

Check out this beautiful boy at Mary's Dogs Rescue & Adoption!

Charlie is about 2 years old, very friendly dog with lots of energy. 

He gets along with other dogs, and people of all ages. 

Charlie wants to have a bed to call his own in a nice home. He wants someone to give all of his love to. Is that you? Charlie would be a great running/walking/hiking partner for a young couple, or an active family.

Charlie is house trained, neutered and up-to-date with his shots.

Charlie is ready for you. Are you ready for him?

Want more info on Charlie? Call Mary's Dogs: 603.370.7750 or send along an email:

Ready to bring Charlie home? Tell us about yourself and your interest in Charlie in our adoption questionnaire. Check out all the wonderful dogs on Mary's Dogs Facebook Fan Page.


Mary’s Dogs rescues and re-homes dogs and puppies from Aiken County Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in South Carolina, USA. They also serve as a resource to communities in Southern New Hampshire and pet owners nationwide by providing education and information on responsible pet ownership, including the importance of spay/neuter, positive behavior training, and good nutrition.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kevin Ready: Startup: An Insider’s Guide to Launching and Running a Business - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Successful entrepreneur, business coach, and author of Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business, Kevin Ready, describes how to start and operate a new entrepreneurial venture the right way. Kevin Ready provides a step by step process for achieving success with a new company. Kevin offers advice on how to plan and prepare the venture to avoid the pitfalls that await the unwary entrepreneur. He shares his secrets for raising funds, marketing, and building a team with the right people. Kevin also presents ideas for strategic planning and for exiting the business when the time comes. Learn how to start the business of your dreams successfully and for the long term.

Kevin Ready is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, May 31, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Successful entrepreneur, business coach, and author of Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business, Kevin Ready, describes how to start and operate a new entrepreneurial venture the right way. You will learn:

* How to find out if entrepreneurship is right for you

* How to plan the startup venture the right way

* How to finance and market the business; and how to build the best team

* How to plan strategically for the short and long term, including the exit plan

Kevin Ready (photo left) loves building things and helping people to build things. Over the last 20 years, he has built, run, consulted for, and advised numerous start-ups and businesses. For him, there is nothing more interesting than understanding business models and the problems that entrepreneurs come up against in their markets. As he says often, "It is my work and my play. I never get tired of it."

Born into an engineering family, Ready started his first company right out of college. While the venture was a success, he saw the limitations to scaling the business. As the Internet era took shape, he joined the "tech wave" through the late 1990s, starting several online businesses. Years before Facebook, he was a founder of a social networking site with nearly one million users. Later, he and a partner spun off and sold a digital mapping business, then moved on to become an online software and media retail business that merged with a larger rival in 2008. That same year, he became a partner at an online real estate business that was in crisis mode.

By applying the lessons presented in this book, he helped turn the business around. Just 13 months later, it was acquired by the newspaper industry. That business—where he still works as technical director—now brings in millions of dollars of profit per year and touches five million consumers every month.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with successful entrepreneur, business coach, and author of Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business, Kevin Ready, as he describes how to start and operate a new entrepreneurial venture the right way. Kevin Ready provides a step by step process for achieving success with a new company. Kevin offers advice on how to plan and prepare the venture to avoid the pitfalls that await the unwary entrepreneur. He shares his secrets for raising funds, marketing, and building a team with the right people. Kevin also presents ideas for strategic planning and for exiting the business when the time comes. Learn how to start the business of your dreams successfully and for the long term on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Shaping A Dog's Recall: Movement Towards You

If you think that training a reliable recall doesn't have anything to do with your dog's health and well being, think again. Reliable recall might just end up saving your dog's life one day.


Donna Hill has a degree in zoology and a teaching degree. She has 20 years experience in adult and child education and enjoyed teaching people how to observe animals in nature as a nature interpreter, field biologist and train-the-trainer for presentation skills and now applies her knowledge and skills to help people and their dogs. She helps people with disabilities to train their own service dogs and has experience working with autistic and developmentally delayed teens. She uses plain English to explain what you are doing and why and also provides analogies you can relate to. She was also a Girl Guide and earned the highest honor as well as worked in the Tourism industry as a information counselor. She loves to share key information with people!

Visit her blog at Online Clicker Training Tutorials & Coaching

Check out her two Youtube channels supernaturalbc2009 and supernatural 2008 to see if you like her style of teaching. Her motto is "Yard by Yard, Life is hard. Inch by Inch, It's a Cinch!" Break everything down into it's simplest parts and it's achievable!

Related articles:
Shaping A Dog's Recall: Check In

Friday, May 25, 2012

Andy Masters: Kiss Your Customer - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Speaker and award winning author of the idea filled and very engaging book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships, Andy Masters, describes how sales and service are just like dating and relationships. Andy Masters shares his insights into how attracting customers is like asking for dates, and how a business like a suitor, must be an attractive choice. Andy points out that not only are their similarities that business can learn from dating, but also has people can learn more about dating from their business experiences. Andy Masters offers his ideas on the use of humor in all areas of business, including sales and customer service. He also provides advice for networking, asking for referrals, and learning how to accept rejection. Learn how to build lasting and trusting relationships, in both business and in life, through the analogy of dating.

Andy Masters is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 29, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Speaker and award winning author of the idea filled and very engaging book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships, Andy Masters, describes how sales and service are just like dating and relationships. You will learn:

* Why sales and service are like dating and relationships

* How to attract and retain customers effectively

* How to put forth your best self to achieve success

* Why humor, if used correctly, can enhance your business and personal success

Andy Masters (photo left) is an Author and international speaker who presents entertaining programs on a sales, service, and career development topics. Andy gained experience in a variety of sales, marketing, and management positions across several industries, before escaping the corporate world just in time to preserve his sanity.

Andy has written three previous books, including Life After College: What to Expect and How to Succeed in Your Career, which helps young professionals in areas such as networking, time management, and how to avoid being arrested at the company holiday party.

Andy has also earned four degrees, including an M.A. - Marketing and an M.A. - Human Resources Development from Webster University, as well as a B.A. - Communications and a B.A. - Political Science from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He s done. Andy is a proud member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), Florida Speakers Association (FSA), and Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH).

My book review of Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships by Andy Masters.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with speaker and award winning author of the idea filled and very engaging book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships, Andy Masters, as he describes how sales and service are just like dating and relationships. Andy Masters shares his insights into how attracting customers is like asking for dates, and how a business like a suitor, must be an attractive choice. Andy points out that not only are their similarities that business can learn from dating, but also has people can learn more about dating from their business experiences.

Andy Masters offers his ideas on the use of humor in all areas of business, including sales and customer service. He also provides advice for networking, asking for referrals, and learning how to accept rejection. Learn how to build lasting and trusting relationships, in both business and in life, through the analogy of dating on Blog Business Success Radio.

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More Creepy Crawlies

by Jennifer Coates, DVM

In my last post I talked about venomous snake bites. Today, something a little less scary (for most folks, at least)… spider bites.

I should start out by saying that after the great majority of spider bites, owners won’t have the slightest idea that anything is amiss. 

Your dog might be a little itchy around the bite site, but rather quickly that subsides and life returns to normal. What I’m going to talk about are those thankfully relatively rare occasions in North America when spider bites present a serious risk to health.

Black Widow Spider. Image: National Geographic
The Black Widow

When I practiced in southern Virginia, I saw a few dogs that I suspected had been bitten by black widow spiders. They exhibited the typical symptoms of this spider’s venom, which is a neurotoxin.

The dogs all had muscle rigidity, tremors, and were in pain. I treated them symptomatically (e.g., fluids, pain relievers, muscle relaxers, and the like) and they all recovered. This is the most common scenario when the individual that is bitten is fairly large. When petite dogs, cats, or other small animals are bitten by a black widow, the muscles necessary for breathing are more likely to be affected, which can lead to death. In these cases, a human black widow antivenin is available, but it may be prohibitively expensive for some veterinary patients.

Black widows reside primarily in warm areas with mild winters, but they have been found as far north as Canada.

Brown Recluse Spider. Image: The Inquisitr

The Brown Recluse

The brown recluse spider lives in the midwestern and south central regions of the United States. Its bite contains a toxin that destroys tissue, leading to pain and sometimes large wounds that develop days after the bite occurred. Treatment depends on the severity of damage but may include antibiotics, pain relievers, and surgery to remove devitalized tissues and deal with open wounds. Affected dogs may also require symptomatic treatment for nausea and a fever.

Secondary Infections and “Hot Spots”

Any injury to the skin, including bites from benign species of spiders, can become infected and/or irritated, particularly if a dog licks, chews, or scratches at the area. Relatively mild itchiness may respond to an oral antihistamine and/or topical anti-inflammatories. More severe symptoms respond best to a short course of a corticosteroid. An antibiotic ointment or spray may be all that is necessary to resolve a superficial skin infection, but oral antibiotics are often required in more advanced cases (particularly if your dog tends to lick topical preparations off before they can be effective!). If an abscess develops, surgery to drain it and deal with devitalized tissue may also be necessary.

If you suspect that your dog has been bitten by a spider, keep an eye on him. 

Just as is the case for people, most canine spider bites don’t require medical attention. But if your dog acts sick or develops a lesion at the bite site, it’s time to call your veterinarian.


Jennifer Coates, DVM graduated with honors from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1999.  In the years since, she has practiced veterinary medicine in Virginia, Wyoming, and Colorado.  She is the author of several books about veterinary medicine and animal care, including the Dictionary of Veterinary Terms: Vet-speak Deciphered for the Non-veterinarian

Dr. Coates has recently joined the PetMD team and she is now writing for the Fully Vetted column; great blog, do check it out.

Jennifer also writes short stories that focus on the strength and importance of the human-animal bond and freelance articles relating to a variety of animal care and veterinary topics.  Dr. Coates lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband, daughter, and pets.

Articles by Dr. Coates:
Kidney Disease – Say What? 
What Happens In The Dog's Body When The Kidneys Fail To Function Properly? 
The Perplexities of Pancreatitis
The Other Side Of The Coin: The Cost Of Defensive Medicine
To Neuter Or Not To Neuter… That Is The Question
Don’t Forget the Physical Therapy
Common Misdiagnoses (Part 1)
Common Misdiagnoses (Part 2)
Picking the Right Dog to Breed
When Is It An Emergency?
Dog Allergies: Common, Commonly Misdiagnosed, or Both? 
Why Does The Spleen Get No Respect?
Protect Your Dog From Snake Bites 

Related articles:
Spider Bites Dog 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kiss Your Customer by Andy Masters - Book review

Kiss Your Customer

77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships

By: Andy Masters

Published: January 12, 2012
Format: Paperback, 225 pages
ISBN-10: 0975461095
ISBN-13: 978-0975461099
Publisher: Hawthorn Publishing

"There are principles from our relationships which can help us in sales and service, and principles from sales and service which can help us in our relationships", writes speaker and award winning author Andy Masters, in his idea filled and very engaging book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships. The author describes why understanding the crucial analogy between sales and service on the one hand, and dating and relationships on the other, will enhance your success in business and in your personal life.

Andy Masters understands the critical connection between attracting and keeping a customer is the same dynamic as attracting and keeping a significant other. The author provides seventy-seven ideas for achieving success in sales and service, and not coincidently, in ones romantic life as well. With a heaping helping of humor, mixed with some often painful real world experience, Andy Masters offers wisdom and insights that serve double duty at home and at work. He likes to throw in a few laughs, as well, to help ease the misfortunes of fate, and to establish the mood for a fresh start on pursuing both dates and customers. Andy Masters shares some ideas for both retaining the person being pursued if they are compatible, and for breaking up with them should they prove to be not the ideal choice.

Andy Masters (photo left) recognizes that there are many factors involved in both finding customers and getting dates,. There are also many interrelated elements in keeping the customer for the long term. Utilizing the dating analogy effectively, Andy Masters presents a series of real world tested and proven techniques for success in business. Finding a happy romantic life is a bonus part of the book.

The author includes useful and readily applicable (with a few wisely judicious edits) advice including the following:

* The value of honesty and trust
* Accepting rejection from prospects
* Networking and referrals
* Using humor effectively
* Being creative in your approach
* Understanding apologies for mistakes
* having the proper attitude
* Managing expectations and exceeding them
* Celebrating success

For me, the power of the book is how Andy Masters successfully integrates humor into his real world wisdom on sales and service; as well as on dating and relationships. The author presents his seventy-seven slices of advice with a good natured, and self effacing wit, that causes the many concepts to be both memorable and effective. Each of the chapters is only one or two pages in length, with the key takeaway principles bolded for emphasis.

The concepts move logically through the entire attraction and retention time frame; as well as a possible just in case breakup scenario. Overall, Andy Masters presents his ideas in a memorable format that will transform both one's business life, and their dating presence.

I highly recommend the effective and enjoyable book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships by Andy Masters, to anyone seeking an affable and entertaining guide to achieving greater business and romantic success. This book will change the mood of your approach to business from pain to gain.

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Veterinary Highlights: Maggot Debridement Therapy

This article on petMD generated many sounds of disgust and lead to a number of nightmares. However, this topic is very interesting to me. I am equally fascinated by debridement therapy as I am by the idea of helminthic therapy (which, sadly, presently doesn't seem available in veterinary medicine).

Everybody keeps calling for natural treatments, right? LOL

The use of maggots in medicine is neither a medieval torture or a new invention. Maggots are actually regulated by the FDA as medical devices. Maggots feed on dead tissue, effectively cleaning away tissue that is not healing and may be harboring harmful bacteria.

This is a process that is referred to as debridement.

Maggot debridement therapy is often used where other therapies have failed.

Image Wound Research
Is it a step backward for medicine? I actually find it quite enlightening. I think that accepting that it doesn't always have to be fancy shiny medical instruments that get the job done best is actually a step forward. (Not that I have anything against fancy shiny medical instruments.)

If you read the comments to the original article, you'll actually find some testimonials of people who have seen this work.

Never send a man to do a maggot's job.

Would I agree to use of this therapy for my dogs? No question. Would you?

Source article: Maggots: Thumbs Up or Down?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Strategist by Cynthia A. Montgomery - Book review

The Strategist

Be the Leader Your Business Needs

By: Cynthia A. Montgomery

Published: may 8, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN-10: 0062071017
ISBN-13: 978-0062071019
Publisher: HarperBusiness

"While countless books have been written about strategy in the last thirty years, virtually nothing has been written about the strategist and what this vital role requires of the person who shoulders it", writes Timken Professor of Business Administration and immediate past head of the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School, Cynthia A. Montgomery, in her revolutionary and thought provoking book The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs. The author describes how standard approaches to strategy are incomplete without considering the crucial role played by the leader in creating and executing the overall plan.

Cynthia Montgomery recognizes that considerable amounts of new research and empirical data, based on real world results, have emerged from the field of strategy. Through the author's own experience from working with executives and managers, however, she has concluded that the role of leadership has been downplayed in strategy studies. Cynthia Montgomery uncovered, through interviews and observation of leaders, the powerful impact that great leadership can have on the company's strategy and its results. The author provides a compelling case for strengthening the role of leadership, and the need to equip and inspire strategists to assume and establish a stronger level of leadership within their organizations.

Cynthia A. Montgomery (photo left) understands that leaders must change the way they view their roles within an organization to thinking of themselves as strategists. This change in focus and attitude creates a fresh perspective and direction for leaders within their firms.

Cynthia Montgomery challenges leaders to ask what she considers the most essential question for every business leader: Does this company truly matter? This crucial and organizational soul searching question changes the entire vision and fabric of the company. With this clarity of thinking in place, the leader moves beyond simply seeing the company as in competition with other firms for the market. Instead, the result will be a complete reshaping and transformation of the company itself.

The author offers the following series of concepts to create what she calls her revisionist approach to strategy:

* Are you a strategist
* The myth of the super-manager
* Begin with purpose
* Turn purpose into reality
* Own your strategy
* Keep it vibrant

For me, the power of the book is how Cynthia Montgomery reappraises the entire concept and field of strategy. This reassessment of strategy focuses the leader on the importance of strategy, and of thinking of themselves as a strategist. This change in the dynamic to thinking as a strategist changes the entire vision and shape of the company. The author not only provides the framework and theoretical basis for becoming a strategist but offers the tools for building the strategist skill set as well.

Cynthia Montgomery illustrates her concepts with case studies of the principles in action in the real world. An added feature of the book is a frequently asked questions section that provides additional insights into the strategist concept. There is also a very useful resource section that provides additional information sources for going more deeply into the various facets of the book

I highly recommend the groundbreaking and leadership transforming book The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs by Cynthia A. Montgomery, to anyone seeking a clear and concise introduction to a radically different view of leadership and strategy. This book will change the way leaders and managers think of their roles, as they reinvent themselves into strategists.

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Canine Anemia and Your Pet's Nutritional Needs

by Matt Milstead

Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells. Because the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, symptoms of anemia stem from insufficient oxygen in organs and muscles.

A dog can become anemic as a result of blood loss (e.g. from trauma, bleeding ulcers, parasites), destruction of red blood cells (e.g. immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, some infectious diseases) or inadequate red blood cell production (e.g. due to a chronic illness, cancer or dietary deficiencies).

Dogs with anemia require special care to address nutritional needs and to help maintain a healthy energy level.

Important Foods for Anemic Dogs

Foods high in iron, protein and B vitamins (particularly vitamin B12) are essential in helping the production of red blood cells. I would avoid commercial dog food, especially generic brands, with the exception of high-quality pet food such as Royal Canin , Science Diet, Iams, and those that are high in iron. I recommend supplementing a good dog food with the following healthy, natural foods:
  • beef liver; contains iron, protein as well as B vitamins, particularly B12
  • brewer's yeast along with vitamin B 12 offers similar benefits as the liver
  • kelp powder; contains iodine and other trace minerals
  • green vegetables like string beans and leafy produce like spinach which contain iron as well as other minerals and chlorophyll
  • carrots, whole wheat and rye breads, pumpkin and egg yolks which are high in vitamin B9
  • nuts, fish, and vegetables
  • lean meats such as ground beef and lamb

By combining both a high-quality, iron-rich dog food with these natural foods, your dog's nutritional needs will be better maintained.

Supplements that I Recommend for Canine Anemia

A diet rich in protein and vitamin B12 is critical for your dog's anemia treatment. Supplements and minerals added to your dog's diet can also enhance overall health.

Consider adding one of the following supplements to your dog's diet according to special needs and other conditions:
  • Milk Thistle which boosts hemoglobin levels
  • crushed vitamin C tablets in your dog's food to help with iron absorption, approximately 500 mg a day, more for a larger dog
  • geritol tablets to give the blood a bigger boost of iron and B vitamins
  • phosphorus pellets which helps treat bleeding in anemic dogs
  • sulphur tablets which help dogs with worms, fleas, skin disorders, and a poor immune system.

The Importance of Iron in the Anemic Dog's Diet

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an oxygen-transporting protein. Hemoglobin requires iron to be able to perform its oxygen-transporting function. Dogs need approximately 35 mg of iron a day for each pound of dry food consumed.

Herbs, such as burdock, red clover and nettle are also often used in treatment of canine anemia. Adding these to an overall dietary plan can greatly benefit an anemic dog.

Tom Endersbe: Three Commitments Of Leadership - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

CEO of Endersbe, Herron & Associates, and co-author of the empowering and leadership development book Three Commitments of Leadership: How Clarity, Stability, and Rhythm Create Great Leaders, Tom Endersbe describes the three fundamental commitments that leaders must make to become great leaders. Tom Endersbe shares the importance of clarity, stability, and rhythm as the framework to build an efficient and effective workplace. With these three principles in place, employees are more engaged in their work, and become more successful. Tom points out that the result is a positive impact, trust, and an enhanced bottom line. Tom describes how to develop the three commitments within every leader, and why each one is part of the whole. Tom Endersbe explains each of the three commitments, and why each one is so critical for leaders, and why if any of the three is missing, the leader will not be as effective, and the results will be less than optimal.

Tom Endersbe is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, May 24, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

CEO of Endersbe, Herron & Associates, and co-author of the empowering and leadership development book Three Commitments of Leadership: How Clarity, Stability, and Rhythm Create Great Leaders, Tom Endersbe describes the three fundamental commitments that leaders must make to become great leaders. You will learn:

* How leaders can empower their employees for greater engagement

* What are the three commitments of leadership

* How to incorporate the three commitments into your leadership

* How an engaged workplace is more productive and profitable

Tom Endersbe (photo left) is the former Head of Field Implementation and Training at Ameriprise and CEO of Endersbe, Herron & Associates.

Tom is also the co-author of Three Commitments of Leadership: How Clarity, Stability, and Rhythm Create Great Leaders,

Professional Experience

•CEO of Endersbe, Herron and Associates
•26 years of industry leading financial planning experience
•Former business executive, recognized speaker, and trainer for Ameriprise Financial
•Area Sales Manager for the Maytag company

Professional Designations and Licenses

•CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERä, CFP Board of Standards, Washington, D.C.
•Series 7, 24, and 63
•Life, Accident, Health and Variable insurance licenses
•Investment Advisor Representative of SagePoint Financial, Inc.
•Licensed and registered to conduct business in over 30 states


•Bachelor of Science with Honors, Business Administration, Management and Marketing, Minnesota State, Mankato


•Family lives in Eagan, Minnesota
•Enjoys spending time with family and friends at lake place in Northern Wisconsin
•Married 29 years to Lisa
•Proud father of three children: Tori, Erik and Sean

Civic Activities

•Two-time Chair of the Eagan Foundation
•Board Member and Y-Partners Chair for the Southwest YMCA
•Youth basketball coach for over 17 years

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with CEO of Endersbe, Herron & Associates, and co-author of the empowering and leadership development book Three Commitments of Leadership: How Clarity, Stability, and Rhythm Create Great Leaders, Tom Endersbe, as he describes the three fundamental commitments that leaders must make to become great leaders. Tom Endersbe shares the importance of clarity, stability, and rhythm as the framework to build an efficient and effective workplace. With these three principles in place, employees are more engaged in their work, and become more successful. Tom points out that the result is a positive impact, trust, and an enhanced bottom line. Tom describes how to develop the three commitments within every leader, and why each one is part of the whole. Tom Endersbe explains each of the three commitments, and why each one is so critical for leaders, and why if any of the three is missing, the leader will not be as effective, and the results will be less than optimal on Blog Business Success Radio.

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