Friday, July 19, 2013

Shark Tank Episode 419 Update

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 419

Tonight's Shark Tank Show 7-19-2013

 Tonight's Shark Tank Episode was first seen on ABC March 29, 2013, now has some very interesting updates since that time. Starting with the Duo that solved the Carmuter Triangle, to one of the youngest and Most Successful Entrepreneurs ever featured on the Show. We also have one super cool new invention that makes anyone a professional gift wrapper, to a business that really needs everyone help before the Atlantic Coast is changed forever.

Drop Stop Update:

The Drop Stop solves the problem of things dropping in between your car seat and center console. This is the very first business started by Marc Newburger & Jeffrey Simon that was featured with other Shark Tank Products before they were even featured on the show. Obviously this is a major problem for millions of Drivers and boy have their numbers proved it. Before their presentation with the Sharks, over a quarter of a million units had already been sold with over $1.3 million in sales.

Lori Greiner did indeed invest in the Drop Stop as predicted before the show, investing $300k for a 20% equity stake in the business.

Lionfish Update:

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