Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bev Buckle

Bev Buckle on Shark Tank - Season 4, Episode #1


belt bucle/ beverage holder
Belt Buckle/ Beverage Holder
 Beverage Buckle - Jay Kriner is seeking $50k for a 10% equity stake in the belt buckle business. Jay  claims this is one of the most interesting inventions to ever come on the Shark Tank. He wastes no time in getting into his presentation and BA-BAM there's a bottle of beer conveniently resting on ah, belt buckle. Does a bottle standing up look a little awkward resting down there? We'll you be the judge on that one, but some may be fooled from a distance what's sticking up on your front side.

The Beer Buckle Holds A Bottle Or Can Hands Free  with the face plate of the Bev Buckle having any number of designs. It was developed when out on the town with his Friends. He noticed beverages are hard to keep track of while your mingling and wanted a more convenient place to keep track of his beer.
Barbara's first reaction when Kriner hands all the Sharks a Beverage Buckle is "it's kind of heavy" not a good opening line, but She does like the idea. O'Leary asks if he has any sales. Yes, Jay has already sold over 4,000 units over 4 years. Ouch that's not what the Sharks wanted to hear. This equates to $340,000.00 in sales which help put the Sharks at ease a little bit. Jay also holds the patent and can produce the Bev Buckle for $10 each. The buckles retail from $35 up to $110. depending on the front design.
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