Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1.8 Million Page Views and Counting!

I am happy to report that Warning Signs just passed 1.8 million page views and is now averaging 100,000 hits per month as word of our daily commentaries and other informative posts reaches out in cyber-land.

I thank everyone who visits and those who take the time to comment, sharing their experience and expertise.

The effort is to reflect on current events, but also to call attention to the major issues of our times, many of which are ignored by the mainstream media.

The enemies of our nation’s future are ignorance and apathy. Together we have an obligation to stay informed and to take what action we can to thwart the efforts of those who would do harm to America.

Right now our primary task is to vote Barack Obama out of office, to get our family, friends, and coworkers to vote, and to ensure the Republican Party takes power in Congress in order to reverse the deliberate ruin of the nation. We owe that to previous generations of Americans, some of whom gave their lives to ensure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for us.

For Warning Signs, it is more important than ever that, if you can, you make a small donation to ensure that iour work continues. Thank you!

-- Alan Caruba

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