Some of my favorite terms in English language would definitely include the words minimally invasive.
In regards to surgery this means involving as little incision into the body as possible to get the job done. This means less stress on the body and easier recovery. Sounds good? Hell yeah.
Surgery is sometimes the best treatment option for your dog.
The lesser the overall impact of the procedure, the better.
Laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, and endoscopic-assisted procedures are becoming more common in veterinary medicine. These procedures involve access to a cavity via a small incisions through which an endoscope is inserted.
An endoscope is a thin optical instrument used to examine inner parts of the body, with an attachment that allows to perform a biopsy or surgery.
The different words used, such as arthroscopy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy and so on, really just indicate which part of the body is being worked on (joint, abdomen, chest).
The incision needed for such procedures is markedly smaller compared with traditional open techniques.
These techniques decrease stresses on the body during the post-operative period because incisions are significantly smaller, causing less tissue damage and post-operative pain. There is also lower risk of post-operative complications, such as seromas and infections, and hospitalization time is shorter.
Source article: Minimally Invasive Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery: Principles and Instrumentation
Further reading:
Endoscopy in Veterinary Medicine
Endoscopy to Remove Foreign Objects in Dogs
Endoscopy, Part 1: Billy vs. the chew toy
Endoscopy, Part 2: The ins and outs of Endoscopy
Laparoscopy In Veterinary Medicine
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