Monday, April 30, 2012

Visual Marketing by David Langton & Anita Campbell - Book review

Visual Marketing

99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design

By: David Langton, Anita Campbell

Published: September 27, 2011
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1118035674
ISBN-13: 978-1118035672
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"The world is visual. We use our eyes to take in much of the content that influences our behavior, tempers our reactions, and informs our decisions", write visual communication designers and blogger, David Langton; and CEO and founder of Small Business Trends and BizSugar, Anita Campbell, in their idea packed and very hands on book Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design. The authors describe how eye catching visuals can simply grab and hold the attention of the customer, and share ninety-nine eye grabbing and provocative ideas that will transform your marketing completely.

Anita Campbell (photo left) and David Langton understand the power of the visual for customers, and how seeing an arresting visual presentation will gain attention in ways never imagined previously. The authors provide compelling examples of a wide variety of visual images, ranging from the static to the very dynamic, and from the humorous to the highly interactive.

Through harnessing and utilizing the many forms of visual marketing concepts and variations effectively, even the most jaded and casual customers will become engaged and immersed in the overall marketing message. With the addition of powerful and compelling visual components, even the most ubiquitous marketing materials can become thought provoking and emotionally powerful for the potential or existing customer.

David Langton (photo left) and Anita Campbell recognize that people learn and internalize information, including marketing messages different ways. Through the power of the visual marketing concept, many wide ranging visual and interactive images can be utilized effectively across all types of marketing materials. The power of visual attracts and retains the attention, of even the most uninterested people, provided that compelling visual elements are used by the marketer.

The authors present three overall categories to share their ninety-nine concepts of visual marketing in action. Within each chapter are examples, ideas, creative thinking starters, and visual marketing case studies. The three chapters are:

* More than a website
* Images are everywhere in the physical world
* Power to the print item

For me, the power of the book is how Anita Campbell and David Langton combine the principles and reasoning behind the premise of visual marketing with very practical applications of the idea in the real world. The book is well arranged, with each of the three chapters containing a veritable cornucopia of ideas to kick start any visual marketing program. The authors move far beyond the website as well, and include many traditional marketing pieces, with a fresh visual update.

Each page contains ideas you can use, case studies, and a very valuable takeaway tip, to keep the many concepts in mind. The book is also a visual treasure trove of amazing and arresting images, in keeping with the overall theme of the book. The book is a welcome addition to any marketing library, as it covers the seldom considered area of visual marketing very well.

I highly recommend the ground breaking and thought provoking book Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design by Anita Campbell and David Langton, to any marketers who are seeking both a practical and comprehensive introduction to the power and importance of visual marketing. This book will change the way you think about and approach every aspect of your marketing program, as you will always consider the visual impact of each marketing component.

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What Doesn't Kill Her Will Make Her Stronger? Koda's Story

JJ is my dear friend. Her dog, Koda, is almost two years old, adorable Australian Shepherd girl. Koda has already had more struggles with her health than most old dogs ever will. Since a very young age, Koda had pee problems

When trying to get to the bottom of it, JJ was told that "puppies pee". And that was the beginning of their medical frustrations.

That got sort of solved, but not really resolved. Koda has been also suffering with frequent UTIs. This also never got explained or resolved.

Last fall Koda struggled with fleas and severe flea allergies. Was treated with prednisone, however remained a self-mutilating itchy dog who was peeing like crazy, again, on top of that. She also contracted tapeworm, so was treated for that.

Koda started becoming more and more fearful of everything. JJ also said that Koda seems to be having some vision problems, however, her eyes checked out when examined. With old issues lingering, and new ones piling up, this brings us to the recent events.

Picture this if you can. You and your sick dog are sitting in a little room, waiting for a specialist.

The internist pops in looking very ... sober ... and asks you what [the hell] you expect her to do.

So let's rewind.

The original vet visit was due to stool trouble, which turned into difficulty defecating. Blood test also revealed possibly low platelets. The vet prescribed FortiFlora, Amoxicillin (a penicillin-type antibiotic) and a stool softener three days later when Koda was still unable to go. This helped Koda with the eliminating. Follow-up blood test was scheduled.

The follow-up blood test showed some further drop in platelets and elevation in white blood cells.

In addition to the antibiotic, Koda was put on a massive dose of steroids. When JJ told me that Koda is getting six pills of prednisone a day I asked what the diagnosis was.

She wasn't told what the diagnosis was, not even when she asked. 

Apparently something to do with the immune system, that's all JJ got out of them.

Based on the little information available, the only thing we could figure the vets were suspecting was Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia. Why else such a high dose of steroids?

Meanwhile, Koda was more and more depressed, very low energy and rapidly losing weight. 

So back to the vet. New blood test was done.

When I asked JJ for an update, she told me that the vet said that Koda's liver and kidneys were now in trouble also. 

That didn't sound good at all. How many things could go this wrong this fast while on prednisone? Could it be some kind of infection after all? No adjustment to the treatment was done, and no diagnosis in sight.

Clearly at a loss, they referred Koda to a specialist, but it was unclear when they'll be able to see them.

Meanwhile, JJ had an appointment with a different vet, which she made some time back. Hoping for some new insights she acquired copies of the lab work. I was very worried about Koda and asked to see the lab results.

Seeing the blood test results actually made me feel more hopeful.

I have seen, and discussed, enough Jasmine's lab results that I couldn't help but wonder why they told JJ that Koda's kidneys were in trouble. 

I wasn't seeing it on these results. I asked some of my veterinary friends, and they couldn't see any problem there either.

That was good news, the labs didn't look half as bad as it sounded from what JJ was told.

The liver was not happy, but was it because of the original problem or because of all the prednisone? The platelets were below normal, but they didn't seem anywhere near levels that would call for drastic measures? (I have seen some really low platelets after Jasmine's hyperthermia).

More importantly, after all the steroids, the platelets showed zero improvement.

So what is going on?

That appointment with the different vet didn't, sadly, bring any insights either. I was hoping they might at least do something about the prednisone Koda was still on, but that didn't happen.

My feeling is that they didn't want to get in the middle and washed their hands of the case.

They put Koda on a glycogen replacement supplement, which at least made her feel better.

They didn't offer any ideas, but they did drop another bomb – the word chemo, yet again, with no explanation or substantiation.

JJ was still waiting to get the appointment with the specialist, and Koda was still miserable and eating 6 prednisones a day (now for almost a month).

That was when I decided we needed to talk to somebody I can trust and I turned to VetLive.

Finally I was talking to somebody who was making sense! Dr. Laci of VetLive started by asking a lot of questions.

Right on! You cannot get answers without asking questions!

They asked to confirm the dose of prednisone, relative to Koda's weight (36 pounds when the treatment was started). They asked about the rate of her weight loss, how much Koda's activity level decreased, drinking and urination, and detailed information regarding stool amount, quality, color and texture.
VetLive: Color also matters more than you would think. Are any stools grey, yellow, green tinged, or even unusually greasy? When she was having trouble with bowel movements, how frequent were they? Were they normal to hard or soft and poorly formed? Has she had a rectal exam?
Koda was drinking ton of water and urinating proportionately large amount. She was eating more and more food, while losing weight. Her activity decreased probably by 70%. Koda's nick name used to be “psycho dog”; now she would barely respond to her name.

Koda's stools are formed most of the time, but soft. Fairly normal color.
VetLive: Is there any yellow tinge to the whites of the eyes, her mucous membranes, vulva, thin skin of the ears, or any other skin on her body that is skin and normally pink in color?
Fortunately, Koda was showing no signs of jaundice.

They asked about the behavioral changes and the time frame in which they occurred.

Koda started avoiding things and people she's known most of her life.

VetLive asked about the vision issues and suggested at home tests to evaluate the situation, to get an idea whether they should include the issue in the relevant symptoms: a cotton ball test and a small maze.
With the cotton ball test, the purpose is to test her vision with something that is near silent when dropped and has practically no smell that she can follow. Drop several cotton balls in front of her, and in her range of peripheral vision. Watch to see if she can follow them. The maze test is fairly self-explanatory—set up a small maze of some chairs, etc. and see if she has any trouble navigating this.
Koda passed both tests, she mainly has issues when it gets dark.

They asked whether JJ could see any improvement in Koda after the treatment was started. 

There was no improvement whatsoever, on the contrary. Koda became lethargic, started panting heavily, suffered from urinary incontinence and complete lack of stamina.

VetLive reviewed the lab work. They explained that any severe or prolonged blood loss, increased internal destruction of platelets, or impaired bone marrow production can lead to short-term (acute) or longer term (chronic) deficiency of platelets. Many diseases have thrombocytopenia as one component of the condition. For example many serious infections, neoplasia, immune system disorders, pancreatitis, and various drug therapies such as some anti-cancer treatments can result in thrombocytopenia. Some antibiotics can also lower platelet levels.

Koda was on the Amoxicillin.

VetLive also asked about the possibility of tick borne diseases. This would be of high interest, because ehrlichial diseases can cause mild to severe thrombocytopenia in dogs. 

They did run some tests for infections, including tick borne diseases and JJ was told the results were negative.

VetLive also didn't see any reason to worry about Koda's kidneys.

VetLive: I am not worried about kidney. I see the BUN slightly up at 31 on 4/17, but corticosteroid administration raises the value, and also, she is concentrating her urine wonderfully and there are no other signs on the lab work to make me think kidney. Also, decreased muscle mass can cause mild elevations in BUN. It does take significant losses so I am not sure if this could be a cause, but regardless a BUN of 31 with other normal values is not a flag to me.

Interestingly enough, hepatic insufficiencies often decrease BUN production. Decreased BUN may be an indication for hepatic function tests—not what is going on.

I also see that her liver values were normal before treatment. I am not terribly worried about the liver values since she was on high levels of pred.

A bile acids test would let us know if the liver is functioning properly. This test isn't perfect, but it is a good screening test for hepatic dysfunction and is easy to do. If you have enough money to do that, it would confirm if liver is a problem. Glucocorticoids are a regular and important cause of severely raised ALT and alk phos in dogs. Doing every test that will give us new info is the best course of action obviously, but the protocol for her values when systemic glococorticoids have been administered is to stop the drug therapy if possible and re-evaluated in 1-3 months. Given how quickly she is deteriorating, a bile acids test would give us valuable info without waiting 1-3 months, but I just wanted to give you that info to demonstrate that how commonly those values can be artificially raised.

VetLive also made notes regarding the platelets.

VetLive: Quoting from my professor in school and one of the gods of veterinary small animal internal medicine, Michael Willard

“Platelets circulate for approximately 5 days in dogs...Platelets are released into the blood in proportion to stimulation from thromobopoietin; criculating thrombopoietin concentration is controlled by the total circulating platelet mass, not absolute number; therefore there may be mild thrombocytopenia with macroplatelets.”

I wanted to mention that, as I saw platelet clumps noted on every test. I did see one manual count done of the platelets and they recorded they saw 4-5 per high powered field. Between 8 – 29 platelets/100x oild immersion field is normal for canines.

I think it would be in Koda's best interest to have a manual platelet count performed by Idexx. If  on a budget, as we most are these days, I would start here.

A tick panel would also be great, but I know it is more costly (not sure how much), and you can wait to find out the platelet count before pursuing it.

At the dose of prednisony that Koda has been on, it is expected that she would experience side effects of increased appetite, thirst, and increased urination. Heavy panting also is seen with high doses of prednisone, along with lethargy and depression. Prednisone at these high doses also can cause muscle wasting. It usually does cause weight gain, not weight loss, but just kind of a loss of tone to the body and sagging muscles and tissue without much definition.

Can you tell me if she was experiencing any of these before the prednisone? It is my understanding that she was experiencing some fearful behavioral changes. If she was having an excessive appetite, thirst, panting, etc. before the steroids that completely changes my differential list of illnesses.

VetLive recommended to discuss (with her vet or the specialist) taking Koda of the prednisone.

Regardless of the reasons that there may have been to start such an aggressive course of steroids, it was really time to evaluate what good this drug was doing, and more importantly, what harm.
VetLive: Animals that have received glucocorticoids systemically, other than with "burst" therapy (probably what she had for her flea allergy), should be tapered off the drugs.

Patients who have received the drugs at such high doses as Koda should be tapered off slowly as her internal corticosteroid function may return slowly. Should she undergo a "stressor" (e.g., surgery, trauma, illness, etc.) during the tapering process or until normal adrenal and pituitary function resume, additional glucocorticoids should be administered. I think you will see an improvement in a variety of things with Koda is we can get her off the steroids.
Finally we got some information that made sense! 

If you need a second opinion, start with VetLive. Truly. They offer second opinion service, where they'll review available labs and medical history, I was really impressed and relieved, finally a voice of reason!

This has helped to make some sense of all the mess.

Meanwhile, Koda got to see the internal medicine specialist. So fast forward to the latest update.

Picture this if you can. You and your sick dog are sitting in a little room, waiting for a specialist.

The internist pops in looking very ... sober ... and asks you what [the hell] you expect her to do.

So, we go back to day 1, when JJ went to the vet for Koda-can't-poop issues, and they did a blood test that revealed low platelets. They put Koda on antibiotics for the not-being-able-to-poop and scheduled to take blood again and sent it out to the lab.

[Internist: Antibiotics lower the platelet count. Platelets aren't considered low until they're getting near a 30 count (30,000); your dog's are near 100,000; I fail to see a problem.]
[Internist: Your dog was put on antibiotics for a UTI.]
[Client: What UTI?]
[Internist: There were white blood cells in her urine.]
[Client: Are you reading the right paperwork? There was no presence of infection according to my vet.]
[Internist: .....]

Second vet visit: They take blood and send it out to Idexx for a CBC

[Internist: I see here that no manual count was ordered. Why did you refuse it?]
[Client: A whosawhatsit?]

Third vet visit: we pick up a high dose of prednisone and a high dose of antibiotics.

[Internist: Where are the rest of the diagnostics?]
[Client: ????]
[Internist: You know, like xrays, ultrasounds...? Did you refuse them?]
[Client: ......... no. They didn't mention any. I didn't know they needed more than the blood test results, didn't know the low platelets aren't low enough to do something about (she needs monitoring...not immunosuppressant therapy).... I had to trust that the vet had my dog's best interest in mind.]
[Internist: Right. Great. Wonderful. Why did they also give her those antibiotics?]

[Internist: Well, she's not dead; you're lucky. I think we can rule out serious infection at this point.]
[Client: ..............]

Fourth vet visit: Dog losing weight; take more blood and send it to the lab. Contact internist when the results are ... weird.

[Internist: It's the pred; everything is the pred. Her muscles are wasting away, her liver is being damaged - reversible for now; keep her on it and it'll be a different story - and all of the blood changes and values are being caused by pred.]
[Client: ...............]
[Internist: The values on the first test are relatively normal; there are a few things we could test for --- Oh, wait, we can't do anything.]
[Client: ...???]
[Internist: The pred. There's not a test I can do while she's on it. It will give false readings, unreadable readings, and nothing to go on. It's a useless waste of money to run any diagnostics.]
[Client: Hence the, "What exactly am I supposed to do today?" comment.]
[Internist: Sounds about right.]

I ended up giving her Koda's real history (hate to say it like that), and we did decide to run a few tests. The only thing she got from the vets were the blood tests that Idexx ran. They didn't even include the one they did, or the baseline on in her records.

First, she did an ultrasound to make sure everything inside was all right, hadn't suddenly exploded, or developed strange masses. For all the damage the pred is doing, her internal organs are holding up surprisingly well. (Good dog!)

Second, we worked a little on the fact that she always has an infection - usually like a UTI - and she took a culture to see if she has an antibiotic resistant bacteria or something silly that is preventing the infection from going away. They also took another urinalysis. We are waiting on the results.

They told me watch for pinpoint bruises - they look like someone took a sharpie marker and pushed dots into the skin, and they usually happen around the ears, belly, etc. 

They also told me how to wean Koda off the pred. After she's off, they'd like me to do a work-up (it doesn't have to be there, but they'd like the results one way or the other).

As per her tapering schedule... it will be a full MONTH AND A HALF before any conclusive tests can be run. 

You know, the tests that should have been run before someone went off and decided to put her on the drug in the first place? (The internist implied very, very many times that SHE should have been the one making the call about whether to put the dog on pred, and that failing all of that, Koda should have been tapered off the pred before we scheduled to come about two to three weeks after she was done.)

Meanwhile, Koda is miserable.

We got to see an internist who genuinely couldn't help us because of the way Koda's case was handled.

The internist was very polite, but she made a few things clear. My veterinarian(s) jumped to a conclusion, didn't communicate the reasoning to me, got offended when I asked, and put my dog on a drug after deciding on a diagnosis without what the internist would call "any evidence". (Her WBC was normal, but her lymphocytes were high...that indicates something else to the internist that... oh, wait. She can't test for because the dog is on pred. The pred in combination with the high lymphocytes could have killed her, regardless of the antibiotics.)

So now we wait.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mark Mueller-Eberstein: No Fear Business Leadership - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

CEO of Adgetec Corporation, Professor at Rutgers University, and co-author of the thought provoking and transformational book No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys, Mark Mueller-Eberstein, describes the challenges presented to leaders in the new globalized and digital economy. Mark points out that fear of this new business landscape is paralyzing many formerly highly successful leaders. Mark provides evidence that not only is the marketplace evolving rapidly, but a new young generation of highly motivated, community oriented, and increasingly international employees expects innovative and responsive leadership,. Mark offers advice for leaders to make the transition from the previous economic model to the new digital and global age, where failure to adapt means failure as a leader.

Mark Mueller-Eberstein is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 1, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

CEO of Adgetec Corporation, Professor at Rutgers University, and co-author of the thought provoking and transformational book No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys, Mark Mueller-Eberstein, describes the challenges presented to leaders in the new globalized and digital economy. You will learn:

* What No Fear leadership means and why it is critical to understand

* How the increasingly digital and globalized economy are transforming leadership

* Why the young under thirty Playstation Generation is leading the change

* How to become a No Fear leader to stay ahead of the competition

Mark Mueller-Eberstein (photo left) is founder and CEO of Adgetec Corporation, whose mission is to help organizations and their leaders realize value globally.

Mueller-Eberstein is a recognized thought leader, speaker, mentor, and coach for topics as:

- Leveraging IT for business success
- Global consumerization of IT
- Connecting people
- Reducing ambiguity
- Organizational culture for next gen
- Organizational leadership values

In addition to blogs, whitepapers and research papers, Mark Mueller-Eberstein is the author of Agility - Competing and Winning in the Tech Savvy Marketplace and No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys. Mueller-Eberstein's books are written based on his over fifteen years of global experience in the IT industry, working with companies and governments to choose, adopt, roll out, and measure the impact of new technologies.

My book review of No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys by Pekka A. Viljakainen and Mark Mueller-Eberstein.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with CEO of Adgetec Corporation, Professor at Rutgers University, and co-author of the thought provoking and transformational book No Fear: Business Leadership for the Digital Age, Mark Mueller-Eberstein, describes the challenges presented to leaders in the new globalized and digital economy. Mark points out that fear of this new business landscape is paralyzing many formerly highly successful leaders. Mark provides evidence that not only is the marketplace evolving rapidly, but a new young generation of highly motivated, community oriented, and increasingly international employees expects innovative and responsive leadership,. Mark offers advice for leaders to make the transition from the previous economic model to the new digital and global age, where failure to adapt means failure as a leader on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Adoption Monday: Nemo, Australian Shepherd, Deerfield, NH

Check out this beautiful boy at Mary's Dogs Rescue & Adoption!

Nemo is about 2 years old. He is loving and gentle.

You will fall in love with his spirited, happy and outgoing personality. Nemo loves people and other dogs as well.

Nemo will be a great family dog. He likes being on a go and he is always ready for some fun. That doesn't mean he won't enjoy a nice snuggle with you on the couch. His is house trained, neutered and up-to-date with his shots.

Nemo is ready for you. Are you ready for him?

Want more info on Nemo? Call Mary's Dogs: 603.370.7750 or send along an email:

Ready to bring Nemo home? Tell us about yourself and your interest in Nemo in our adoption questionnaire. Check out all the wonderful dogs on Mary's Dogs Facebook Fan Page.


Mary’s Dogs rescues and re-homes dogs and puppies from Aiken County Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in South Carolina, USA. They also serve as a resource to communities in Southern New Hampshire and pet owners nationwide by providing education and information on responsible pet ownership, including the importance of spay/neuter, positive behavior training, and good nutrition.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dry Warm Nose - Is My Dog Sick?

No Fear by Pekka A. Viljakainen & Mark Mueller-Eberstein - Book review

No Fear

Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys

By: Pekka A. Viljakainen, Mark Mueller-Eberstein

Published: September 15, 2011
Format: Hardcover: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 9814346667
ISBN-13: 978-9814346665
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish Corp/Ccb

"Many good organizations come to a point where protecting the status quo for the leading individuals becomes the main motivation and reward", write former president of Tieto International, Pekka Viljakainen; and founder and CEO of Adgetec Corporation, Mark Mueller-Eberstein, in their thought provoking and transformational book No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys. The authors describe how organizations that can take calculated risk, add new territory, and discover and utilize new opportunities will move ahead of their status quo seeking competitors.

Pekka Viljakainen (photo left) and Mark Mueller-Eberstein understand that fear of failure is a limiting force that works against change and enhanced competitiveness. The authors realize that fear is a powerful emotion, and that it is part of everyone's character. To counter this sense of fear, the authors present their concept of No Fear, where the emotion is processed, understood for what it is, and works toward creating solutions to the fear inducing challenges.

For the authors, dealing with and controlling that fear, and developing innovative solutions to problems, is essential for leaders. For the authors, fear equals failure, and the leader who succumbs to that fear does a real disservice to the entire organization, its employees, and its customers.

Mark Mueller-Eberstein (photo left) and Pekka A. Viljakainen describe a world of change, and that leaders must be prepared to adapt to that transition in the global community, or fall by the wayside. Not only has the global landscape changed, but the authors point out that the people have different goals and aspirations as well.

The new young entrants into the workforce and the global economy are young, innovative, and are very comfortable with using technology and social media. The authors refer to their version of the youthful Millennial Generation as the Playstation Generation, who are the Digital Cowboys who are the first adopters of new technology and innovations.

Pekka Viljakainen and Mark Mueller-Eberstein present what they call six planets of change in the global economy. Those six changes that a No Fear leader must recognize and practice to gain the support of the Digital Cowboys are as follows:

* Maintaining productivity when it becomes stalled
* Understanding the globalization impact on competitiveness and leadership
* Capital flows travel in many directions with stiff competition for access
* Consumers are changing in tastes, attitudes, and behaviors
* Online and networked economies are mainstream and accessible everywhere
* Innovation is moving at a faster rate than ever before

For me, the power of the book is how Pekka Viljakainen and Mark Mueller-Eberstein combine their analysis of the limiting and disempowering emotion of fear, with an understanding of the new global economy and the rising influence of the young Digital Cowboys. The authors offer a compelling case that failure to overcome the fear of this new market reality represents a failure of leadership. Instead of succumbing to this fear, the authors along with a distinguished group of guest contributors, provide an alternative path forward for leaders who display the No Fear qualities of leadership.

The book contains a comprehensive discussion and plan of action for achieving the No Fear type of community leadership, that is and will remain critical for success and even survival, in the new digital and globalized economy. Any leader who fails to understand and act upon this manifesto for change will fall behind the competition.

I highly recommend the insightful and must read book No Fear: Business Leadership in the Age of the Digital Cowboys by Pekka Viljakainen and Mark Mueller-Eberstein, to any business leaders, regardless of country or industry, who are serious about understanding the rapidly evolving dynamics of the new digital global economy, and of the employees who will dominate its future. This book will change the way you think about and approach leadership in the new age of the Digital Cowboys.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

The Twelve Absolutes Of Leadership by Gary Burnison - Book review

The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership

By: Gary Burnison

Published: March 13, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 0071787127
ISBN-13: 978-0071787123
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"Leadership is the eighth wonder of the world - better seen and felt than defined and said", writes CEO of Korn>Ferry International, Gary Burnison, in his his insightful and real world experience based book The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership. The author describes the complexity of understanding the real meaning of leadership, and shares his thoughts and ideas on how to understand the guiding principles of leadership through an organized framework model.

Gary Burnison understands the challenges posed by the responsibility and commitment to leadership for engaging and inspiring others to greatness. The author points out that simply getting a sense of the true nature of leadership is a daunting task. Leadership may be partly strategy, according to Gary Burnison, but it is mainly about proper judgement. For the author, grace, confidence, and touch form the core values of leadership. A leader must also be able to understand the past, the present, and the future; using today as the starting point to achieve the leader's vision. To reach that desired future, a leader must incorporate a strategy to get to that next level, despite the fact that many followers may not have envisioned that same future.

Gary Burnison (photo left) recognizes that to get from where the organization is today, and where the there will be in the future, requires extraordinary leadership. To bridge this gap, the author provides his Absolutes of Leadership Framework as the guiding blueprint. Each part of the framework link to the others, and indeed blend seamlessly into one another in an overall leadership building process. The connections include a combination of core competencies and activities that every leader must possess.

The author points out that these twelve key principles apply to all leaders, regardless of their leadership style. The absolutes include:

* Lead
* Purpose
* Strategy
* People
* Measure
* Empower
* Reward
* Anticipate
* Navigate
* Communicate
* Listen
* Learn

For me, the power of the book is how Gary Burnison presents the Twelve Absolutes of Leadership model in an engaging and understandable format. The author shares his experience, and that of others, in the conveying of the layers of meaning behind each of the twelve absolutes that every leader must understand and practice. Gary Burnison offers the important wisdom that leadership is all about people. As a result, the author provides guidance in what he considers the art of leadership. Despite the various leadership systems and concepts, in the end, leadership is indeed much more art than it is a science.

Gary Burnison presents another critical observation that the leader must practice self-mastery, and understand themselves first. At the same time, however, the self aware leader also realizes that as leader, they are not the most important purpose despite the demands and focus of the position. Leadership is a calling, and as a result, it is all about guiding others to achieving their best results, and for building a brighter future for the organization as a whole.

I highly recommend the groundbreaking an leadership transforming book The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership by Gary Burnison, to any leaders or aspiring leaders who are seeking a concise and proven model for building their leadership skills and for strengthening their entire organization. This book will give you the tools and insights to become a more effective and engaging leader in any type or size of organization.

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Protect Your Dog From Snake Bites

by Jennifer Coates, DVM

Do you live in or travel to areas that are home to venomous snakes? I’ve been neighbors with rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins, and have treated dogs that have been bitten by some, if not all of these species. These cases can be incredibly rewarding or heartbreaking. It all depends on how much venom is injected by the snake, something we have no control over. So, let’s address some important issues that we can affect concerning dogs and snake bites.

Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) with clearly visible facial pits.
Image: Wikipedia
Know Your Surroundings

Do a little research. What are the common snake species in your area? Are any of them venomous (the vast majority are not)? Learn what the venomous snakes in your region look like and what types of environments they frequent so you can avoid them.

One oft cited adage states that a snake with vertical pupils is venomous while one with circular pupils is not. This does hold true in most cases, but do you really want to get close enough to an unidentified snake to make this determination? It’s better to get familiar with the skin colors and patterns and and head shapes that venomous snakes in your area might have so you can i.d. them from a distance.

A little snake savvy not only protects dogs, but the snakes themselves. I can’t tell you the number of times a client has brought in the “rattler” he killed on his farm only to learn that he just offed a benign hognose by mistake.

Rattlesnake. Image: Wikipedia

Remember that given the opportunity, any self respecting snake will try to “run” away before risking its own well-being by biting. When hiking, walk your dog on a short leash and keep him on the trail. Training classes and the necessary refresher courses that teach dogs to leave snakes alone can also help prevent snake bites. Discourage snakes from making a home in your yard by keeping grass trimmed short and locating brush piles, stacks of firewood, or other similarly inviting habitats outside your dog’s fenced yard.

You may have heard about the “rattlesnake vaccine” that is now available for dogs. Veterinarians don’t have a lot of experience with it yet, so I can’t really comment on how useful it is. Keep in mind that it is only conditionally licensed for protection against bites from the western diamondback rattlesnake. It may offer some cross protection against other species of rattlesnakes, but how well it will work under these circumstances is also unclear. If you live rattlesnake country, talk to a local veterinarian about the vaccine’s pros and cons.

Copperhead snake. Image: Wikipedia
Don’t Delay Treatment

The initial symptoms of snake envenomation are rapid swelling and pain around the bite site. Small puncture wounds may or may not be visible. If you suspect that your dog has been bitten by a snake, get him to the veterinarian immediately. If you can safely identify the snake that bit your dog, do so. That information is very helpful in planning treatment.

When presented with a dog that is known or suspected to have been bitten by a venomous snake, veterinarians will typically put the patient on intravenous fluids, start antibiotics to deal with infection, and prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatories to keep the dog comfortable and reduce swelling. If other symptoms develop, additional forms of treatment may become necessary.

Once basic care has been initiated, the question arises whether or not to use antivenin. 

Water Moccasin. Image: Wikipedia
Because antivenins are species-specific, we can only use them when we are fairly certain of the type of snake responsible for the bite. Antivenin is expensive, but it may be the only way to save a dog that has received a large dose of venom in comparison to its body weight. The sooner antivenin is given, the better, but it may be helpful up to 72 hours after a bite has occurred.

Many dogs that have been bitten by a venomous snake can be saved with prompt and aggressive treatment. 

The key is to get to the clinic quickly while keeping your dog as quiet and inactive as possible. Don’t attempt to remove the venom yourself. Those home-remedies you remember from watching too many old westerns do more harm than good. At the very least, you’ll be wasting precious minutes and delaying the treatment that could save your dog’s life.


Jennifer Coates, DVM graduated with honors from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1999.  In the years since, she has practiced veterinary medicine in Virginia, Wyoming, and Colorado.  She is the author of several books about veterinary medicine and animal care, including the Dictionary of Veterinary Terms: Vet-speak Deciphered for the Non-veterinarian

Dr. Coates has recently joined the PetMD team and she is now writing for the Fully Vetted column; great blog, do check it out.

Jennifer also writes short stories that focus on the strength and importance of the human-animal bond and freelance articles relating to a variety of animal care and veterinary topics.  Dr. Coates lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband, daughter, and pets.

Articles by Dr. Coates:
Kidney Disease – Say What? 
What Happens In The Dog's Body When The Kidneys Fail To Function Properly? 
The Perplexities of Pancreatitis
The Other Side Of The Coin: The Cost Of Defensive Medicine
To Neuter Or Not To Neuter… That Is The Question
Don’t Forget the Physical Therapy
Common Misdiagnoses (Part 1)
Common Misdiagnoses (Part 2)
Picking the Right Dog to Breed
When Is It An Emergency?
Dog Allergies: Common, Commonly Misdiagnosed, or Both? 
Why Does The Spleen Get No Respect?

Related articles:
The Assumption Trap: Tosha's Snake Bite 

Veterinary Highlights: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

In addition to stem cell regenerative therapy, our vet has recently acquired the technology and have started treatments with platelet rich plasma. These two are similar ideas - cell therapy. I suspect one of the reasons for this move is the now again more complicated availability of the stem cell therapy up here in Canada, after the falling out between Vet-Stem and their Canadian partner.

Regardless of running a small veterinary hospital, he offers the best of what is available out there.

Image: Regenerexx
So what is platelet rich plasma therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is derived from patient's blood. The blood is run through a special centrifuge, which separates the blood’s less dense components from its heavier ones. A portion of the blood is distilled to a platelet concentration that is much richer than regular blood. The process also removes red and white blood cells.

Why platelets? Aren't those just responsible for blood clotting?

Platelet indeed are involved with blood clotting. But they can do other exciting things too! They are responsible for bringing white blood cells to an injured area and they also release growth factors that assist tissue regeneration.

Platelet rich plasma therapy can be used to promote tendon, ligament, muscle, and joint injuries, which are normally slow to heal.

The procedure does require anesthesia, but it can be done in one visit.

Our vet has used the treatment on their resident rescue who came in with severe arthritis. I saw the dog three weeks post treatment, there is a marked difference. "He looks bad," our vet says, "but he looks awesome compare to what he used to look like. He's a big dog again, telling everybody what to do now."

Source article: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Freedom Is Blogging In Your Underwear by Hugh MacLeod - Book review

Freedom Is Blogging in Your Underwear

By: Hugh MacLeod

Published: April 26, 2012
Format: Hardcover: 128 pages
ISBN-10: 1591844851
ISBN-13: 978-1591844853
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin

"Having a blog, a voice, having my own media, utterly changed my life", writes cartoonist and blogger Hugh MacLeod, in his very witty and wisdom filled book Freedom Is Blogging in Your Underwear. Through a collection of his most profound cartoons, the author expresses his love for blogging, and his deep commitment to the very fundamental concept of freedom.

Hugh MacLeod shares his insights and perceptions of the very basic idea of what it means to be free. For the author, that journey toward a deeper understanding of freedom was traveled through the medium of a blog. Posting his multi-layered cartoons on his blog, enabled Hugh MacLeod to bypass what he calls the gatekeepers, who include editors, publishers, and executives. Instead of requiring the approval of the official guardians of the media, the author reached out directly to his audience. At the same time, since blogging is at core a conversation, Hugh MacLeod's audience was able to reach out to him as well. For the author, the very act of blogging is an empowering act that seizes bac personal freedom of expression from the gatekeepers.

Hugh MacLeod (photo left) recognizes that freedom afforded by the blog built a career for him through direct contact with his audience. At the same time, the act of blogging created a strong sense of purpose that fueled bis passion for sharing his comics with others. The author views blogging as a personal journey offers insights into that voyage of self discovery with the reader. Hugh MacLeod describes his blog as being a literally life altering experience. Through connections made with his blog, the author obtained all of his clients and business partners. He even met his girlfriend as a result of his blogging activities.

Along the way through this inner travel, the author provides his thoughts and understanding of the various social media options, how they relate to blogging, and more importantly, how they have an impact on personal freedom. That freedom is the direct result of what Hugh MacLeod calls the permanent force of Cheap. Easy. Global. Media. For the author, that empowering principle arrived in the form of a blog. The book is the author's testimonial to the world changing potential contained in the simple blogging platform.

For me, the power of the book is how Hugh MacLeod combines his philosophical examination of the principle of freedom with a manifesto in support of blogging. The author also provides a unique blend of prose and expressive cartoon art as the carrier for his wisdom and ideas. Hugh MacLeod offers a prophecy of how the internet has changed the world in ways that are only now being vaguely understood. For the authors, bloggers are on the vanguard of this deep change in society, where individuals are empowered and no longer requiring the approval of the official gatekeepers.

With this awakening of the blogging public, the potential for fresh ideas and thinking will become a permanent feature of society. The transformation from an individual requiring gatekeeper permission to be heard, to a world where anyone can be a publisher through blogging, represents a sea change in personal freedom. For Hugh MacLeod, the power of the blogging platform doesn't even require the traditional trappings of power or even respectability. A blogger can change the world clad in only their underwear.

I highly recommend the empowering and transformational book Freedom Is Blogging in Your Underwear by Hugh MacLeod, to anyone seeking a highly original approach to the basic tenets of freedom and what it means to be free in an internet connected world. This book, with its profound cartoons and thought provoking insights will change forever the way you think about the interrelationship between blogging and personal freedom.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trying Out New FURminator Grooming Tools

I am a huge fan of FURminator.

It's been over four years since I discovered the FURminator deShedding tool, and I've been using it ever since. 

Once you try this one, you won't go back. That tool is awesome! In fact, my very first blog post was about the FURminator.

I can't even begin to count all the deshedding tools we tried, and hated, in the past. None of them worked for us. I never looked at another deshedding tool since we tried the FURminator.

The only other grooming tool I've been using was a regular comb, which worked fine for daily maintenance.

Now I got to try out new FURminator grooming tools!

The Curry Comb has already replaced my regular one.

I love the way it fits in the hand, secured by a strap. I always wanted one like that. It is so pleasant to use. I also love the hard molded rubber teeth. It removes dust and loose fur, but it also massages along the way.

I tried it on myself first, it gives one serious massage!

Such a good massage will stimulate blood supply to the skin as well as production and distribution of the natural skin oils. Indispensable, particularly for a dog such as Jasmine, with history of skin issues. In fact, the main reason I comb her daily is to keep her skin healthy. The Curry Comb has both mine and Jasmine's thumbs up.

I also got to try out the Large Soft Slicker Brush.

It is very well designed, with an ergonomic handle and two sets of bristles – straight on one side, and bent on the other side. It has a two-part flexible head. It even comes with a protective cover.

I tried it on JD,  and he seems to like it. His coat is smooth and he doesn't really get tangles or mats, so I cannot tell how well the brush would work on those.

To be honest, I always shied away from slicker brushes, because I worried that the bristles might be a bit too sharp. I was hoping that this one might be softer. In my opinion it still feels rather abrasive, and when I run it over the top of my hand it does mark the skin. I realize that dog skin is tougher than mine but I don't feel like taking any chances with Jasmine's, which has proven to be quite delicate in the past.

If you do like using slicker brush for your dog, though, I think you will like this one.

To check out FURminator's 2-step grooming solutions, visit Grooming Solutions for Dogs. Don't forget, grooming isn't all about the looks. Grooming is an effective way to improve your dog's skin (and coat) health.

Jill Flynn: Break Your Own Rules - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Business strategist and founding partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL), and co-author of straight talking and empowering book Break Your Own Rules: How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power, Jill Flynn, describes why there are so few women in C-level positions. Despite great strides made in diversity, women are underrepresented in the executive suite, Jill Flynn points out that women run companies are more profitable meaning that businesses are missing out on great leadership. Jill shares the six faulty assumptions, often mistakenly considered rules, followed by women that stand in their way. Jill provides advice and strategies for changing those assumptions to new ways of acting that will help more women achieve C-level positions. Jill Flynn is firm in her conviction that by changing the old rules to new ones will place women in 30 percent of leadership roles within a decade.

Jill Flynn is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, April 26, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Business strategist and founding partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership, and co-author of straight talking and empowering book Break Your Own Rules: How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power, Jill Flynn, describes why there are so few women in C-level positions. You will learn:

* Why there are so few women in top leadership positions in the corporate world

* The myths and behaviors that hold women back from achieving career success

* How women can change their behavior to reach the top in any company

* What are the new rules of business and behavior for women

Jill Flynn, M. Ed. (photo left) is founding partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL) whose goal is to move women and organizations forward, faster. She specializes in creating and implementing company-specific pipelines for high-potential women. Jill’s primary focus is to ensure that every client benefits from new and practical solutions to their leadership problems – and gets measurable results.

Prior to co-founding FHHL, Jill was Senior Vice President at the nation’s fourth largest bank, First Union (now Wells Fargo), where she established their leadership development, diversity, organizational consulting, and employee satisfaction initiatives. The corporation grew exponentially during her tenure, with more than 100 mergers. Jill and her team prepared a cadre of more than 100 high potential leaders to assume senior positions; within a three-year timeframe, the number of women in these roles increased from 9% to 26%.

Jill received her B.A. from Salem College and M.Ed. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Like her partners, she serves on a number of corporate and non-profit boards. Jill is based in Charlotte, NC.

For more, follow her on Twitter @FlynnHeathHolt.

My book review of Break Your Own Rules: How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power by Jill Flynn, Kathryn Heath, and Mary Davis Holt.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with business strategist and founding partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL), and co-author of straight talking and empowering book Break Your Own Rules: How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power, Jill Flynn, as she describes why there are so few women in C-level positions. Despite great strides made in diversity, women are underrepresented in the executive suite, Jill Flynn points out that women run companies are more profitable meaning that businesses are missing out on great leadership. Jill shares the six faulty assumptions, often mistakenly considered rules, followed by women that stand in their way. Jill provides advice and strategies for changing those assumptions to new ways of acting that will help more women achieve C-level positions. Jill Flynn is firm in her conviction that by changing the old rules to new ones will place women in 30 percent of leadership roles within a decade on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Hidden Agenda by Kevin Allen - Book review

The Hidden Agenda

A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following

By: Kevin Allen

Published: April 17, 2012
Format: Hardcover: 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1937134040
ISBN-13: 978-1937134044
Publisher: Bibliomotion

"Behind every decision to buy - whether the item is a service or a product, an argument or an idea - is an unspoken emotional motivation. This is the hidden agenda", writes business development expert and long time advertising professional, Kevin Allen, in his insightful and idea packed book The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following. The author describes how important it is for companies and brands to make a connection with their followers through discovering and understanding the hidden agenda of their customers.

Kevin Allen understands that people buy from companies, hire others, or promote brands or individuals because those companies and individuals understand their values, wants, and needs. This deep understanding is what the author considers the buyer's hidden agenda. To create a powerful and lasting connection, it's essential to discover the bond that will resonate with that hidden agenda. When those deepest values, wants, and needs are uncovered and engaged, the person will become a true and lasting follower of the company, brand, or leader. Kevin Allen provides the background to discovering the buyer's hidden agenda, creating a trusting connection, and providing a resonating and engaging bond that lasts over the long term.

Kevin Allen (photo left) recognizes that any sort of sales presentation requires connecting with the other person's hidden agenda to be successful. The author points out that the deeper underlying motivation may not even be understood clearly by the buyer. To locate and respond effectively to collaborate with the buyer requires empathy, the ability to ask the right questions, and the listening skills to hear the real message being shared by the customer. The customer will follow the company and brand that listens to their deepest hidden agenda, and works hard to resolve that innermost need and desire. People don't follow products, services, and brands because they are persuaded to purchase them.

The following of the brand is a result of believing in the seller and the products that resonate with the buyer's hidden agenda. To achieve the resonance that creates a following, Kevin Allen provides the concepts in his Allen Key system. The principles of the system include:

* Identifying the conceptual target to hear what they really are thinking
* Tuning into the hidden agenda through listening and empathy
* Taking inventory of your core and connecting with the customer
* Communicating your credo and set of values and belief system

For me, the power of the book is how Kevin Allen develops the connection between probing the depth of the real hidden agenda, with the practical tools to facilitate that discovery process. The author presents a fresh way of thinking and considering the deepest motivations of customers. In place of the previous paradigm of persuasion as the means to gain customers, Kevin Allen proposes a richer understanding of the deeper motivations of the buyer. The result is not only a follower of the product, service, and brand, but also a collaborator in the entire marketing process.

Kevin Allen offers ideas for discovering who is the real intended audience, for listening to uncover what elements can form a connection, for how to ultimately make that long term connection as the basis for a long lasting relationship. The author provides many stories of the hidden agenda principles in action, in real world settings, to further illustrate the concepts in action. Kevin Allen shares wisdom gleaned from years of experience, and transforms the entire sales process to one focused entirely on the buyer and their most intimate needs and desires, and away from the older product push centric model.

I highly recommend the transformational and collaborative approach based book The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following by Kevin Allen, to any marketers, business leaders, sales representatives, and anyone in any walk of life who makes presentations to others, who is seeking a fresh and cooperative way of helping solve the buyer's most important and deepest needs. When you find and satisfy the customer's real hidden agenda, then you have gained a follower and built a relationship that can last a lifetime.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Lorne Rubis: The Character Triangle - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Educator, Chief People Officer for ATB Financial, and author of the inspirational and wisdom filled book The Character Triangle: Build Character, Have an Impact, and Inspire Others, Lorne Rubis, describes how people can succeed despite events taking place around them over which they have no control. Lorne Rubis says that we may not be able to control events, but we can most certainly control our character. Lorne describes how a person of good character can become an effective leader and team member. A person of good character will also inspire and be a positive influence on other people.

Lorne Rubis points out that character can be learned and developed through his Character Triangle concept. The Character Triangle focuses on the three essential elements of Accountability, Respect, and Abundance. Lorne Rubis describes how to incorporate these core values into your own character until they become habits of thought and action. With the Character Triangle principles in place, you ready to achieve success, and influence success in others as well.

Lorne Rubis is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, April 24, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Educator, President and CEO of Ryzex, and author of the inspirational and wisdom filled book The Character Triangle: Build Character, Have an Impact, and Inspire Others, Lorne Rubis, describes how people can succeed despite events taking place around them over which they have no control. You will learn:

* Why even in times when you can't control events you can control your character

* Why character is important to success and inspiring others

* How the values of the Character Triangle work to build character

* How to learn the Character Triangle principles so they become habits

Lorne Rubis (photo left) has one constant in Lorne’s diverse career, and that is his ability to successfully lead organizations through significant change. At US West, where he served as a Vice President / Company Officer, Lorne was one of only seven direct reports to the Chairman, responsible for the strategic planning process, governance and the company’s worldwide total quality initiative.

After a brief but eventful stint at the LA Kings Hockey Club (where, as VP of Business Operations, he improved operations and oversaw the development of Staples Center and its innovative premium seating strategy) he became VP of Sales then Chief Operating Officer at Multiple Zones (now There, he led the transformation of the company from a business-to-consumer to a business-to-business enterprise, realizing dramatic growth in revenue and e-Commerce.

As CEO of Stellar One, he successfully took a privately held Internet protocol TV software company to market.

Lorne is currently the President and CEO of Ryzex, a mobile technology services company, with team members and customers throughout North American and Europe. Lorne has been in this role since 2004 and once again, is involved in actively leading a company through significant change. He has been married for 38 years, has three children and one grandchild and spreads his time between Mercer Island and Bellingham, Washington.

My book review of The Character Triangle: Build Character, Have an Impact, and Inspire Others by Lorne Rubis.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with educator, President and CEO of Ryzex, and author of the inspirational and wisdom filled book The Character Triangle: Build Character, Have an Impact, and Inspire Others, Lorne Rubis, as he describes how people can succeed despite events taking place around them over which they have no control. Lorne Rubis says that we may not be able to control events, but we can most certainly control our character. Lorne describes how a person of good character can become an effective leader and team member. A person of good character will also inspire and be a positive influence on other people.

Lorne Rubis points out that character can be learned and developed through his Character Triangle concept. The Character Triangle focuses on the three essential elements of Accountability, Respect, and Abundance. Lorne Rubis describes how to incorporate these core values into your own character until they become habits of thought and action. With the Character Triangle principles in place, you ready to achieve success, and influence success in others as well on Blog Business Success Radio.

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